Board of Commissioners

Regular Meeting

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
County Board Room
Government Center
509 W 5th St.
Red Wing, MN 55066

Join Online

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Join the Meeting

Virtual Meeting Details

Pledge of Allegiance

Disclosures of Interest

Previous Board Minutes

Review and approve previous meeting minutes.

  1. Review and approve the previous County Board Meeting minutes.

Review Agenda

Review and approve the agenda.

Consent Items

Review and approve the following items on the consent agenda.

  1. Approve the sale of two trailer via Public Surplus.
  2. Approve the sale of obsolete items using on-line auction.
  3. Approve the agreement for Bridge L2510 replacement.
  4. Approve the amended LELS 91 memorandum of agreement Corporal
  5. Approve Renewal of Microsoft Enterprise/365 Agreement

Reports from Departments and Officials

    Human Resources

  1. 2025 Insurance
  2. August 2, 2024 Personnel Committee Report
  3. September 16, 2024 Personnel Committee Report

    Land Use Management

  1. Request to Set Public Hearing for Goodhue County Cannabis Ordinance

    Public Works

  1. Lake Byllesby parking lot
  2. Cost share for installation of rapid flashing beacon on CSAH 62 in Pine Island


  1. 2025 Preliminary Budget Report and Additional Item
  2. Southeastern MN Multi-County Housing & Redevelopment Authority

For Your Information

  1. Goodhue County congressionally Funded Project Descope
  2. Project Status Report.

New and Old Business

Committee Reports


Review and approve claims.

  1. Review & Approve County Claims
