Board of Commissioners

Statutory Meeting

Tuesday, January 2, 2024
County Board Room
Government Center
509 W 5th St.
Red Wing, MN 55066

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Virtual Meeting Details

Call to Order

M.S. 375.07 "The Board shall meet at the county seat for the transaction of business on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January."

Pledge of Allegiance


County Administrator - to request nominations for the 2024 Chair of the County Board.
Newly elected chair - to request nominations for the 2024 Vice Chair of the County Board.

Disclosures of Interest

Previous Board Minutes

Review and approve previous meeting minutes.

  1. Dec 21

Review Agenda

Review and approve the agenda.

Consent Items

Review and approve the following items on the consent agenda.

  1. Approve Election Emergency Plan
  2. Approve Emergency Polling Place Designation Agreements
  3. Approve 2024 Mileage Reimbursement Rate Policy
  4. Approve Bid Date Authorization 2024
  5. Approve Mailbox Support Policy Update
  6. Approve Setting a LOST Public Hearing Date
  7. Approve the 2024 Federal Boating Safety Supplement Equipment Grant Contract
  8. Approve the sale of a kitchen food mixer via Public Surplus
  9. Approve Gambling Permit for Frontenac Sportsman Club for 02.10.2024 at the Frontenac Pond

Reports from Departments and Officials

    Land Use Management

  1. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider Goodhue County Zoning Ordinance Updates - Floodplain Repetitive Loss

    Proposed amendments to Article 32 (Floodplain District) to add Repetitive Loss language.

    CB Packet Ordinance Revisions
  2. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider Goodhue County Zoning Ordinance Updates - Solid Waste Transfer Facilities

    Proposed amendments to Article 10 (Definitions), Article 11 (Performance Standards), and Article 20 (Table of Uses) to allow Solid Waste Transfer Facilities.

    CB Packet Ordinance Revisions Transfer Stations
  3. Administration

  1. Finance Director Replacement
  2. 2024 County Board Meeting Dates
  3. 2024 Official Publication
  4. 2024 Committee Structure Appointments

    Finance & Taxpayer Services

  1. County Canvassing Board Appointments

For Your Information

  1. Project Status Report
  2. 2023 Staffing Report

Committee Reports

New and Old Business


Review and approve claims.

  1. County Claims 1-2-24
