Goodhue County EDA administers a revolving loan fund (RLF) to assist small businesses with financing needs. Eligible uses of revolving loan funds include:
Only for-profit businesses can qualify to receive a loan and municipalities or townships can apply on behalf of a for-profit economic development project. A small business can qualify for loans from $5,000 up to $15,000 for development projects.
RLFs are traditionally used to fill a "financing gap" in a business development project. They are designed to alleviate the high cost and short supply of capital for businesses by providing flexible loan terms. Typically, RLFs lower the rate, lengthen the term, or reduce the risk of a loan. By increasing accessibility to capital, RLFs are an effective tool of leveraging. RLFs are typically combined with other public or private dollars and are used to initiate, facilitate, and promote the county’s legitimate economic development interests. This program is intended to complement, not replace, existing local development incentives.
In order to qualify for a loan from this fund, an applicant must be a for-profit business and able to demonstrate the feasibility and sustainability of the business through a business plan and projected sufficient income to repay interest and principle within a reasonable period of time.
In order to apply for a loan, a business must contact the Goodhue County EDA director and complete the application form.
Revolving Loan Fund Application
For further inquiry please call the EDA staff person Mitch Massman at 651-764-5745.
In addition to revolving loan fund assistance, Goodhue County has the ability to utilize a number of tools to make businesses more competitive. These tools include:
Mitch Massman
Economic Development Authority Staff