The Goodhue County Environmental Health Department works with the Minnesota Department of Health's Well Management Program to protect both public health and groundwater by assuring the proper construction of new wells and borings, and the proper sealing of unused wells and borings.
Many factors can affect how quickly contaminants move from the soil at the surface to groundwater, including soil type, geological features, and depth to groundwater. Goodhue County's geology is influenced by karst, which is underlying limestone rock with systems of holes, channels, and tunnels, characterized by sinkholes, caves and springs. These features provide fast and direct movement of water and contaminants directly from the surface to groundwater.
Nitrates are a form of nitrogen naturally occurring in soils. Plants use nitrogen as a source of energy. It helps give plants their green color and creates food for the plant through photosynthesis.
A common background level of nitrate in water is around 3 parts per million or lower. But several activities can increase the concentrations in water, one being the addition of nitrogen fertilizer to the soil. If concentrations are above 10 parts per million the water can have adverse effects on the health of infants.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requested the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) develop a coordinated and comprehensive work plan to reduce nitrate contamination of drinking water in eight southeastern Minnesota counties including Goodhue.
Here is a link to information and developments regarding nitrates in southeastern MN
MDH Response to Southeast Minnesota EPA Requests - MN Dept. of Health (
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The Private Well Class program uses a combination of online and in-person methods to boost knowledge and competency of the individual well owner as well as the thousands of dedicated environmental health, cooperative extension, and water well professionals that serve well owners day to day.