
On-Scene Investigations

The Investigations Division coordinates the on-scene investigations of major incidents. Detectives investigate crimes that require an extended time commitment, expertise, or sensitivity. Detectives also conduct follow up on some crimes initiated through patrol reports. Serious crimes may require special expertise and more lengthy investigation than uniformed patrol officers can provide. The mission of the Investigations Division is to solve crimes and thoroughly prepare cases for prosecution.

Duties & Responsibilities

The Investigations Division is responsible for coordination and follow-up of major crimes, such as homicide, robbery, sexual assault, fraud, and burglary. Investigators also track registered offenders that have been released from custody. Detectives primarily interview victims, suspects and witnesses, prepare and execute search or arrest warrants, conduct surveillance, gather evidence, process crime scenes, interact with attorneys and judges, testify in court and secure property and evidence.

Responsibilities for this division include investigation of major crimes and crime series; sensitive investigation of sexual assaults and child abuse; and suppression of gangs and drugs.

Keeping Schools Safe

The Sheriff’s Office has two deputies who are assigned full-time to the investigations division as School Resource Deputies for the Pine Island and the Zumbrota-Mazepa School Districts. The two deputies also help supplement the road patrol and the criminal investigations division during times when the schools are not in session.

Contact Us


Law Enforcement Center
430 W. 6th St.
Red Wing, MN 55066


911 - Emergency
651-385-3155 - Non Emergency
651-267-2600 - General Information


Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Holiday Closures

Goodhue County Government Center
509 W. 5th St.
Red Wing, MN 55066
Building Map
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