Learn about the Mighty Mississippi Cleanup challenge and view past cleanups.
The Mississippi River runs for 2,340 miles throughout the Country. Throughout our history, the river has served as a critical service to the environment, our citizens, and our economies. Yet the river is being heavily polluted. In fact, the Mississippi River is the 6th most endangered river in the US due to pollution.
Pollution not only poisons the environment around us but puts our citizen's health at risk and threatens dependent economies. The activity on the Mississippi River generates $496 Billion in yearly revenue. A clean river equates to future economic opportunities, a cleaner environment, and healthier populations.
Minnesota is home to the headwaters of the Mississippi and the first 650 miles of river. What we do here in Minnesota directly impacts the remaining 1,700 miles. In reality, what we pollute here in Minnesota travels down the remaining 1,700 river miles.
Utilize the communications kit below:
- Pick a project to help clean the Mississippi.
- Set a date and time.
- Invite everyone.
- Count the people/take a group photo.
- Submit everything to Nick Lemmer (find his information under "Contact") by May 25.
- Win a certificate of achievement, bragging rights, and possibly more.
- The county with the most people attending - wins.

Nick Lemmer
Outreach and Communications Specialist
Linda Flanders
District 1 Commissioner