Sites that allow public comment shall provide a Notice that informs visitors of the intended purpose of the site and provide a clear statement of the discussion topic introduced for public comment. The Notice should contain a statement substantially as follows:
“The purpose of this page is to present matters of public interest concerning programs, activities, news, stories, and photos. Your comments are welcomed, but please note that this is a moderated online discussion page and not a public forum. Goodhue County reserves the right to remove comments in accordance with this Notice and the Goodhue County Social Media Policy.”
County social media administrators will not edit any posted comments. However, comments posted by members of the public may be removed if they fall into at least one of the following categories:
Social media administrators who wish to limit comments to the purpose or topical scope of their page or site must specifically state so in the Notice to users.
County social media administrators shall not moderate content based solely on the viewpoint expressed. Comments should only be removed if they fall within one of the listed categories. Administrators shall notify members of the public anytime their comment has been removed, comment reinstated, account blocked, or account reinstated pursuant to this policy and the Notice provided to users.
A member of the public whose comment is removed may appeal the removal of the comment and seek reconsideration by contacting the County in writing and explaining how the comment does not fall into one of the categories for removal. A written response should be provided as soon as reasonably possible. All appeals will be reviewed and ruled upon by the County Official who oversees administration of the respective social media account.
Repeated posts in violation of this policy may result in the administrator blocking user from the site for period of up to one year depending on the nature and extent of the violations. Administrators shall notify members of the public anytime they are being blocked from the website and the reasons thereof. A member of the public who has been banned from an account may appeal that decision using the appeal process noted above. All appeals will be reviewed and ruled upon by the County Official who oversees administration of the respective social media account.
A member of the public who disputes the legality of any portion of this policy may dispute the particular portion in writing. The County should acknowledge the claim promptly and, upon consultation of the County Attorney, respond to the claim concerning legality of the policy portion as soon as reasonably possible under the circumstances.
This section of the policy must be displayed to members of the public utilizing County social media platforms through notice available via hyperlink. Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained subject to applicable retention periods, including the time, date and identity of the person who posted when available.