This program is Minnesota's Cash and Food Assistance program for families who need assistance.
Minnesota Family Investment Program Info
When most families first apply for cash assistance, they will participate in the Diversionary Work Program or DWP. This is a 4-month program that helps parents go immediately to work.
Diversionary Work Program Info
This program serves as Minnesota's primary safety net for single adults and childless couples. The GA Program provides monthly cash grants for persons who cannot provide for themselves and whose income and resources are less than program limits.
General Assistance Information
This program is a state-funded program that provides a monthly cash supplement to people who are aged, blind or disabled and who receive federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.
Minnesota Supplemental Aid Info
This program is a state-funded income supplement program that pays for room-and-board costs for low-income adults who have been placed in a licensed or registered setting with which a county human service agency has negotiated a monthly rate.
Housing Support Info
This program coordinates services to assist refugees in making the transition to life in the United States. These services include resettlement and placement, cash and medical assistance, and employment and social services.
Refugee Cash Assistance