Family Support Grant (FSG)

The Family Support Grant Program provides cash grants to families of children, under 25 years of age with a certified disability, residing in the family home. The goal of the program is to prevent or delay the out-of-home placement of children and promote family health and social well-being by enabling access to family-centered services and supports. 

FSG Application Link

Eligibility requirements

The Family Support Grant is available to children:

Currently, people receiving any waiver services, Personal Care Assistance (PCA) or Consumer Support Grant are not eligible for the Family Support Grant Program.

Applying for the grant

Families will complete the online Family Support Grant application. Once returned and required verifications are turned in, the application will be reviewed by the Family Support Grant team. The team will meet monthly to review applications. If nothing further is needed you may not hear from the team until the application is reviewed and approved. Information on what the grant can be used for can be found in the Expense Categories documents.

Grant Amounts

Recipients may receive a maximum of $3,113.99 per year. Multiple children within a family can receive their own grant pending individual eligibility. Grants for less than the maximum amount are acceptable. If the entire grant is not utilized families may request an addendum for the remainder of the funds.

Once your family receives the grant

Families must keep receipts for all expenses for 3 years and be available upon request

Changes to the original plan can be made at any time. Please complete the addendum form and return to the FSG team for approval.

Ongoing grants are typically available to a family on an ongoing basis each fiscal year through the annual renewal process, as long as their child continues to meet eligibility requirements.


FSG online application link

FSG informational video

FSG expenditure Categories

FSG Fact Sheet

DHS 1941

DHS 2667

DHS 4839E

Client Consent for Email-texting

FSG Mid-year addendum

FSG Signature Block

Home & Community-Based Services

Personal Care Assistance Program Resources Waivers Family Support Grant (FSG)

Public Health

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