Contract Policing Communities

Goodhue County began offering contract law enforcement services in 1972 to the City of Pine Island.  Presently the Goodhue County Sheriff's Office provides contract law enforcement services to 5 of the 10 cities in Goodhue County.

Goodhue County cities that contract law enforcement coverage through the Sheriff's Office pay an hourly fee ($71.03 for 2025, $79.80 for 2026, and $89.61 for 2027) as set by the County Board. The hourly rate includes the salary and benefits for the assigned deputy, the fully equipped squad car and all related law enforcement equipment and supplies, prosecution costs, investigative services, and secretarial services. 

Factors for Policing Decisions

When making decisions on the level of policing needed, the city leaders consider both Community and Policing factors. Community factors include the population, growth rate, geographic size of city, housing types, numbers of highways and roadways, relationship to major cities, commercial property, parks, trails, size of school, the local demand for service by citizens and the cost of providing the services. Policing factors include the desired response times to calls for service, police visibility in the community, traffic enforcement, local ordinance enforcement, size of the city’s patrol area and familiarity with local issues.


2024 Contract Hours Per Week
City Contract Hours
per week (2024)
Bellechester/Dennison  3.5
Goodhue 42
Pine Island 126
Wanamingo   35

Goodhue Policing Contract

The Goodhue County Sheriff's office is located at 405 Broadway St N., Goodhue MN 55027. The city of Goodhue has contracted with the Sheriff's Office for police services within Goodhue. If you have an emergency in Goodhue, dial 9-1-1. To speak to a deputy about a non-emergency, call 651-385-3155 and talk with the Sheriff’s Dispatcher who will have a deputy contact you.

Pine Island Policing Contract

The Goodhue County Sheriff’s Pine Island office is located at 611 Suite “A” North Main Street. The City of Pine Island has contracted with the Sheriff's Office for police services within Pine Island. If you have an emergency in Pine Island, dial 9-1-1. To speak to a deputy about a non-emergency, call 651-385-3155 and ask to have a deputy contact you.

Wanamingo Policing Contract

The Goodhue County Sheriff's Wanamingo office is located at 401 Main Street in the city hall building. The city of Wanamingo has contracted with the Sheriff's Office for police services within Wanamingo. If you have an emergency in Wanamingo, dial 9-1-1. To speak to a deputy about a non-emergency, call 651-385-3155 and talk with the Sheriff’s Dispatcher who will have a deputy contact you.


Goodhue County Policing Contracts History

City Year
Bellechester 1991 - Present
Dennison 1994 - Present
Goodhue 2023 - Present
Kenyon 1998 - 2007
Pine Island 1972 - Present
Wanamingo 1992 - Present



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