Home Premises Survey

A home premises survey is a security assessment of both the interior and exterior of your home and is conducted by a Goodhue County Deputy. On the exterior of your home, we will look at the landscaping, lighting, and any potential access points. We will also check to see if your house number is visible from the street to make sure that we can find your residence quickly in an emergency situation.

On the interior of your home we will check the security of your doors, locks, and windows. We will discuss several options that will assist you in making your home more secure. Please understand that this survey will not invade your privacy and we do not need to see your entire home. As long as we can inspect all of the doors that enter your home from outside and one of your windows, that will be sufficient. The home premises survey takes approximately 30-45 minutes. The total time depends on any questions that you may have.

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