All Hazard Mitigation Plan

Preparation & Protection

The purpose of the Hazard Mitigation plan is to determine how to reduce or eliminate the loss of life and property damage resulting from natural, technological, and human-caused hazards. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) initiated all hazard mitigation planning in light of the increasing number and harm of disasters in recent years.

Nationally Adopted

Goodhue County was one of the first counties in Minnesota to have their plan approved and adopted by FEMA and the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. The final plan was approved on February 1st, 2005 and was adopted by the Goodhue County Board of Commissioners on March 15th, 2005. FEMA approved the Plan on March 28th, 2005.

All Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Plan resides in the Goodhue County Emergency Management, which is responsible for maintenance and updates.

All Hazard Mitigation Plan

Emergency Services

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