Emergency Number Sign

Help local emergency service personnel find your home faster!

Emergency Number Sign

The standard 9-1-1 numbering program makes finding houses easier for everyone. With the Standard Emergency Number sign posted, you do not need to worry about emergency personnel finding you during an emergency when seconds count. 

Signs are made of rust-free aluminum with red reflective background and white numbers. They are horizontal with the address number on both sides which allows them to be seen from both directions. 

Signs should be posted at the end of your driveway entrance where they are clearly visible in both directions, but far enough back from the main roads so as to not be damaged by road crews or plow trucks.

Questions? Email us at emergency.management@goodhuecountymn.gov.

Payment Guide

Emergency Number Sign Change

  1. New emergency number signs are for new assigned addresses. Replacement emergency number signs are for existing addresses.

  2. Make Your Payment

    Pay Online: To make a payment for your emergency number sign, visit our online payment system and select "Emergency Number Sign." The cost of a new sign is $50.

    Pay Online

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