Community Health Improvement Plan

The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) reflects the results of a collaborative planning process between GCHHS and the community.  It is a commitment by the community to improve the health of Goodhue County by advocating for and directing resources towards health priorities.  This 2023 to 2025 plan is based on the 2022 Goodhue County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA).


3 Health Priorities for Goodhue County & Action Plans

CHIP Annual Reports

CHIP Annual Reports show progress and contain revisions.

CHIP 2019 Annual Report

The Community Health Assessment Committee (CHA Committee) gives direction to the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) process. The CHA Committee thanks the numerous other community members who participated in the development of this plan and who will help carry the work forward.

Healthy Communities

Child & Family Collaborative Community Health Assessment Community Health Improvement Plan Live Well Goodhue County Traffic Safety

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